Thursday, May 17, 2007

"Me" time?

Am I the only mama who isn't thrilled by the endless days of lovely weather we've been having? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE for my children to be outside playing, and I love to watch them play...but, I am beginning to feel like I would not be upset if we had a week-long downpour at this point! Really. For real.

I've got tons of sewing projects on my list of "me" time activities to complete... It took me three days to finish this one small, vintage, recycled tote to sell at the Coolspring Market next month. Three days! Why? Because between homeschooling, computer work for IWA and appointments and dance, tae kwon do and soccer practice, the only time we've spent at home has been outside, riding bikes and jumping rope, playing with sidewalk chalk, etc. All good things, yes. All productive.... but not, "me" time! I kept telling myself I'd get back to it after bedtime...but guess what? This mama is tired after bedtime! It's all I can do to drag my sleepy self out of Nakai's bed where I zonk out, cuddled up to me wee one, and into the bathroom to pee, brush these teeth and wash my tired face before crawling into my bed....where I stay as long as possible.

Also on my "me" list are articles that need to be written for and long books to be read and organic jellies and jams to be canned, yoga postures to master..... I try and tell myself that someday, I'll have nothing but "me"time, plenty of time to be productive..and it helps, it does...but really, shouldn't a mama have some time to herself once in awhile? An hour or two? I don't think that's asking too much, do you?

So, though it's not very zen of dalai mama, today I'm trying to manifest rain! A nice full day of rain and clouds so that the children and I can spend a day indoors, reconnecting with our crafts, our books and the sewing machine!

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