Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Reusable Celebration Banners available for sale now at dalaimamasday.etsy.com! Get yours now!!! These banners can be customized any way you like!!! Made from upcycled fabric samples, they are so festive and can be used for all celebrations throughout the year. Start this green tradition for your family!! The children will look forward to each holiday and celebration as they see you pulling out the treasured celebration banner! Try it.

Tye Dye helpers

it got a little out of hand...

For sale from Dalai Mama's Day!!

Look at those bright colors!
still more...
silly, silly girls

Neighborhood girls start accumulating...
Shirts soaked in ash
drying the ash soaked shirts
all dyed up and setting
Neighbors really wanted to do some of their own shirts with our leftover dye

So, first off, let me apologize for the order of these pics...I still struggle with that.
Teah and I were enjoying our first mama/daughter solo night of the school year and we decided that we'd love to get started on making tye dye shirts to sell at festies this summer. Great, the boys were with Dad, Andy was on a canoe adventure with the boys...we set out to gather the goods.
Now, this is the first time we've done tye-dye since moving into a neighborhood. Let me just say that the experience was much less peaceful and enjoyable than when we lived on seven secluded acres!
As soon as the kids in the hood got wind of what was going down in Teah's backyard, we were swarmed...I tried to tell myself that the kids needed this experience more than I need chill time...though I did think, "here goes our solo time." Really though, these children may never have had this experience if it weren't for us. So...after consulting with my sidekick we decided it would be okay to delegate jobs like stirring the ash and passing the shirts and hanging them to dry to our neighbors...then when we were finished, we let them bring shirts from home and use up the rest of our dye. It got a little out of hand, I got a wee bit stressed, but the shirts, pants, skirts and dresses got dyed and Teah felt like we had some together time...and I crossed off one festi task off my to-do list!