Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ahhh,to be a crafty mother

Upon climbing out of bed and rubbing the crust out of my eyes, I logged on to check my email and what did I find? Mothering! dot com, that is! Mothering sent me their weekly newsletter and what a week! So many great, inspiring pieces...makes me wonder if I ever did renew....hmm?
Anyway, I am feeling so inspired to create after watching the video clips...You will too!

Fellow crafty mamas, grab your mug and take a few minutes to check out this page:

There are so many great little videos! One on how to applique...a discussion that has been brought up recently over at gypsyroad.....
One beautiful mama paints up her belly bump! What else? Oh, a video on the Gardisil vaccine........., one that the fam and I might use today, called "How to make an african animal headdress with your child"....I feel strongly that my children will be all over that one!
Oh, and another fave that got me up and dancing in my sewing studio.....the breakdancing pregnant mamas trying to raise up some awareness!

I'm telling you, you NEED to take a minute to smile, to be inspired, to be in awe, to be thankful, to feel the unity between us all! (did you like how I slipped unity in there? That is the word of the day for the season of non-violence we've been participating in! http://www.64-days.org)

Okay, the screen time is up! Time to whip up some Tassajara blueberry muffins and relish in the sweetness of time spent with the most beautiful peeps I know!
I'm loving you all and wishing you a super crafty, satisfying day in union with your loved ones.

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